
A Time for Everything: A Speculative Fiction Anthology Inspired by Ecclesiastes 3

A Time for Everything: A Speculative Fiction Anthology Inspired by Ecclesiastes 3

$17.99eBook: $4.99

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…”

With these words, the writer of Ecclesiastes launches into his famous list of twenty-eight “times”, a poem that explores the breadth of humanity’s relationship with life, death, and God.

This collection explores these statements of the times of life through a speculative fiction lens, using science fiction and fantasy to do what these genres do best: ask “what if?” and “why?” And in keeping with the ancient writer’s use of the phrase “a time to . . .”, each story explores these times of life with an imaginative manipulation of time.

In this collection, you’ll find:

Time machines and magical portals
Alien beings and mythological creatures
Alternate histories and far-off worlds
Moral conundrums and spiritual warfare
Futuristic technology and fantastic phenomenons
From the current day to the far future to the distant past, from high fantasy to domestic drama to star-faring sci-fi, these stories, like the ancient writer’s poem, explore the idea that there truly is . . .

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