Frank Peretti – My Writing Influences

Door in the Dragon's Throat by Frank PerettiThe hot summer sun beat down on holiday makers in the small Tasmanian town of Ulverstone. The beach was packed. The laughter of children filled the playground, but I was lying on my small camp bunk in the anex of our caravan. I’d just begun reading a book called The Door in the Dragon’s Throat. My parents had recently given me a 4 book collection for Christmas – The Cooper Kids Adventure Series. And so was my introduction to author Frank Peretti.

These books captured my imagination straight away. They were like Indianna Jones for kids – but with a Christian worldview. They mixed archaeology with the supernatural, action and adventure with good values. I still have these books – in their original cardboard cover, and am looking forward to reading them to my own children once they’re just a bit older.

Frank Peretti is considered one of the great authors of Christian fiction – and with good reason. Over the years I’ve read other books by him and they have always excited and inspired. There is certainly a page-turning quality to them. I think one of the things that I really like about Peretti’s books are the fast-paced frantic climaxes that he adds to the ends of his stories. He builds the tension up and up with mystery, intrigue and character development, then he goes nuts and lets it all fly.

Interestingly, I have not yet read the books that Frank Peretti is most famous for: This Present Darkness and Piercing The Darkness (although they are on my to-read list). Some notable books that I have read include: The Oath, Prophet, The Visitation, and Illusion.

Illusion by Frank PerettiThere is a reality to the characters in a Frank Peretti novel, and although the situations they find themselves in a sometimes fantastic, you can’t help but feel like you’re really there.

Through all of this, Frank weaves meaningful spiritual messages into his books in a way that feels intrinsically part of the story.

It is these elements, the ability to keep readers guessing, interesting character journeys and fast-paced climaxes that I take from Frank Peretti’s work and allow to influence and inspire my own writing.

To find out more at Frank Peretti’s Website.

See more of my writing influences.

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About Adam David Collings

Adam David Collings is an author of speculative fiction. He lives in Tasmania, Australia with his wife Linda and his two children. Adam draws inspiration for his stories from his over-active imagination, his life experiences and his faith.

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